Sunday, September 03, 2006

Conversations with the shadow

It stands there as i have pictured it. Dark, menacing, humming with violence yet to be released. I shivver with fear and realise that is what it wants.

It needs me to be scared, it needs me to feel less. And this one thought, this understanding strips away that fear. I know it could harm me but it is not so mindless as that. It has goals, desires, needs and if i can understand them, i can understand the beast.

Who are you to call me?
I am you, you are me we are one bu tsplit from each other.
You are not me! I am not you! i am fire, i am the storm, i am rage you have never seen nor will again once it hits. I am that which kills and that which creates.I drive and destroy and revel in all. I do what i want wnen i want and nothing can stop me...

Nothing but me
I am control. I am structure. I am the plan and the reason and the guide for your strength. Withoutme you are chaos, swirling in circles. without me you are nothing but a noise in the dark.

Next time i go down to the basement i am struck by how dark it is. It seems that shadow has decided to hide from me, perhaps trying to scare me again.
I call for him and he evenually walks out into the small pool of light spread from the staircase.
He is covered in some kind of ... mud? as he steps nearer i suddenly smell it and realise ..
Excrement! Blood! Semen! he has covered himself with all his excretia and let them dry ... for why?
I hold back my nausea and try not to look disgusted. He just laughs. He knows, again, how i feel and wants it!

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